Content Posting Policy:

Welcome to Silicontech Nepal's portfolio website! We value transparency, professionalism, and accuracy in the content posted on our website. This Content Posting Policy outlines the guidelines for creating and publishing content on our platform.

1. Purpose of Content: All content posted on our website should align with the purpose of showcasing our software products, services, achievements, and expertise. The primary goal is to provide visitors with accurate and relevant information about our company and offerings.

2. Accuracy and Authenticity: Content creators are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and authenticity of the information shared. All statements, statistics, testimonials, case studies, and other factual content must be truthful and supported by reliable sources when applicable.

3. Professionalism: Content should maintain a professional tone and adhere to high standards of grammar, spelling, and formatting. Avoid using language or visuals that may be offensive, discriminatory, or inappropriate.

4. Intellectual Property: Respect intellectual property rights when posting content. Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to use any copyrighted materials, including images, videos, logos, and written content. Properly attribute sources when necessary.

5. Confidentiality: Avoid sharing sensitive or confidential information about clients, partners, or internal operations without proper authorization. Respect non-disclosure agreements and privacy policies.

6. Endorsements and Testimonials: Any endorsements or testimonials shared on the website must be genuine and accurately reflect the opinions of the individuals or organizations involved. Ensure compliance with relevant regulations regarding endorsements and testimonials.

7. Regular Updates: Content should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect the latest information about our products, services, and achievements. Outdated or inaccurate content should be promptly corrected or removed.

8. Moderation and Approval: All content posted on the website is subject to moderation and approval by the designated team or individual responsible for managing website content. Content that does not meet the established guidelines may be rejected or removed.

9. Feedback and Suggestions: We welcome feedback and suggestions for improving our website content. Content creators are encouraged to seek input from relevant stakeholders and incorporate constructive feedback to enhance the quality and effectiveness of the content.

10. Compliance: Ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards when posting content on our website, including but not limited to data protection laws, advertising regulations, and industry-specific guidelines.

By posting content on our website, you agree to comply with this Content Posting Policy. Silicontech Nepal Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to remove any content that violates these guidelines or is deemed inappropriate without prior notice.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy or the content posted on our website, please contact +977-9865050791/+977-9809107997.

This Content Posting Policy is effective as of 4th April, 2020 and may be updated or revised as needed. Please check this page periodically for any changes.

Silicontech Nepal Pvt. Ltd.